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Lijst van beschikbare PSP-games

De PlayStation Portable was eerste binnenkomst Sony's in de handheld console gaming markt . Uitgebracht in de Verenigde Staten op 24 maart 2005 , om te concurreren met eigen handheld systemen van Nintendo , werd de PSP vroeg verweten dat hij een versleten spel bibliotheek . Echter , met de tijd , meer uitgevers omarmd het systeem en ontwikkelde een uitgebreide bibliotheek van de actie , rollenspel , en puzzelspellen . Actie en Avontuur Spelletjes

De PSP heeft een uitgebreide selectie van actie avonturen games, waaronder : " Earth Defense Force 2 Portable"; "Lord of Arcana "; " Thor : God of Thunder "; "Young Thor "; " God of War : Chains of Olympus "; " God of War : Ghost of Sparta "; "Gods Eater Burst "; " Metal Slug XX "; " Tron Evolution "; " Armored Core 3 Portable"; " Marvel Super Hero Squad "; " Undead Knights "; "Naruto Shippuden Legends : Akatsuki Rising"; " Steamboat Chronicles Battle Tournament"; " Army of Two : The 40th Day "; ' Assassin's Creed : Bloodlines "; "Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen "; "Iron Man 2 "; " Dante 's Inferno "; " Prinny : Kan ik echt de held ? "; " GI Joe : The Rise of the Cobra"; " Dynasty Warrior: Strikeforce "; " Tenchu ​​: Shadow Assassins "; " Metal Gear : Portable Ops "; Metal Gear : Peace Walker "," James Cameron 's Avatar : The Game "," Siphon Filter : Logan 's Shadow "," Manhunt 2 "," Prince of Persia : Rival Swords "," Iron Man "," Ratchet &Clank : Size Matters "; " Earthworm Jim "," Rayman Raving Rabbits "," Splinter Cell Essentials "," Daxter "," Tomb Raider : Anniversary "; " Killzone : Liberation "," Resident Evil 3 " , en " Viewtiful Joe : Red Hot Rumble . "
Role Playing Games

Veel role- playing games zijn beschikbaar voor de PSP , waaronder : " Final Fantasy VII : Crisis Core "," Final Fantasy Tactics : de oorlog van de Lions "," Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth "," Final Fantasy "," Jeanne d'Arc "," Untold Legends : Brotherhood of the Blade "," Monster Hunter Freedom "," Dungeon Siege : Throne of Agony "; "Final Fantasy II ", " Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology ", " The Legend of Heroes : Tales of Vermillion ", " Marvel : Ultimate Alliance ", " Brave Story : New Traveler: " Generation of Chaos "; " Star Ocean : First Vertrek "; "Kingdom of Paradise "; " Star Ocean : Second Evolution "; " Breath of Fire 3 "; " Valhalla Knights "; " Wild Arms XF "; "Monster Kingdom : Jewel Summoner "; " Valhalla Knights 2 "; " Phantasy Star Portable"; " Shin Megami Tensai : Persona "; en " . Persona 3 "
Vecht Spellen

De PSP heeft lange lijst van vechtspellen beschikbaar, waaronder : " Tekken 6 "; " Tekken : Dark Resurrection "; " UFC Undisputed 2010 "; " BlazBlue : Calamity Trigger Portable"; " Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 "; " WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2010 "; " Soul Calibur : Broken Destiny "; " Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus "; " The King of Fighters Collection : The Orochi Saga "; "Dragon Ball Z : Shin Budokai Another Road "; " Guilty Gear Oordeel "; " Powerstone Collection"; " Mortal Kombat : Unchained "; " Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max "; en "Dragon Ball Z : . Shin Budokai "
Puzzle Spellen

Puzzel games worden vaak beschouwd als een prima geschikt voor draagbare consoles , ideaal voor wordt gespeeld in korte uitbarstingen . De PSP heeft een verscheidenheid aan uitstekende puzzel games, waaronder : " Archer Maclean's Mercury "; " Pipemania "; " Smart Bomb "; " WTF : Werk Pret van de Tijd "; " Bliss Island "; " Bomberman "; " Locoroco "; " Bust - a -Move : Deluxe "; " Kameleon "; " Echochrome "; " Exit "; " Gunpey "; " Hot Brain "; " Lemmings "; " Lumines II "; " Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the Warlord "; " Puyo Pop Fever"; " Ultimate Block Party "; en "Go ! Sudoku. " © HT Spellen